<--- A cute comic by Aimee from Deviantart which I stumbled upon a month ago and quickly fell in love with all her masterpiece.
Btw, I went to Sri Hartamas Shopping Centre where Kak Natasha and Sharmini bought me a savoury and high caloried early dinner at Paddingtons House of Pancakes (PHOP) after work today. I can't remember the name of the menu that I ate but it was steak with pancakes and sauteed mushrooms. Yum!! I even help K Natasha to clean up her plate, hehhee.. Yup, my bad! Dah la org belanja, habiskan makanan org plak.. Buat rugi org je, hihihi... If only I brought my old camera (the one yg bulky which I used way back in KUSTEM, mesti Luwie and Mama Hanna ingat), then I can make some people meleleh air liur dpn skrin ni ha ;) Pastu smpt pusing2 kat area gerai jual brg2 Krismas (now only in middle of Nov but we can find Christmas presents already? Talk about Christmas spirit!) and cari reben for Marie's birthday (actually her birthday was last week tp x smpat nk wrap prezzie) and also some chocolates for my younger in-laws and not forgetting my Hubby's favourite - Famous Amos. InsyaAllah I'll be back to accompany my husband in Johore by the end of the week *_^ Can't Wait!!
Actually I have lots to blog, but I'm afraid I can't do so tonight as I have loads and loads of work to be done by Friday.. I have to fill in ADAB books a.k.a report card. The problem is, today's report cards aren't the same as the old days where we only got our results from it.. I need to fairly evaluate each and every one student based on their behaviour during class throughout the whole year from the rate 1 to 4, for example - homework, class work, attitude, ability to master science process skills and so on.. Pastu kena buat percentage.. Imagine a teacher has to do that for at least six classes that consist no less than 28 students. Pastu nak masukkan markah lagi, masukkan tinggi berat murid, jumlah hari hadir/x hadir. Arrrggghhhh.... Tu blm kira nak tulis nama & alamat each parent kat sampul surat sbb nak hntr markah final exam sekali dgn nama kls thn dpn.. Nama je cuti sekolah but we teachers still need to handle with the unfinished business before we off to go and paaarrrtttaaaayyyy until the end of December...
Okay people, Hubby @ Sivaji (no.1 Rajinikanth fan) just called. Time to go =)
hehe... >:)
ReplyDeletemak ai.. panjangnya story dia.. tepek la gambar sekeping dua.. hihi.. :)